JNTE 2022 are over... looking forward to the JNTE 2024!
The JNTE 2022 are now over and it was a pleasure to see each other in person after these two years of pandemia. Again the 2022 conference was the occasion to confirm that the micro-nanotechnology field is still vibrant and is supported by a large community all over France and beyond.
Thank you to all the participants, the invited speakers and the industry partners to have made this 2022 edition a very succesful - even if slightly cold - event !
And , if nostalgia kicks in and you want to remember what happened, head to the picture galleries for the different days of the conference - what happened in Besançon, does not necessarily stay in Besançon :-)
During the gala dinner, Mme Paule Durin PhD candidate at INL, Lyon, has received the BEst poster Award of the JNTE 2022 conference for her work on the "Interactions of water-soluble bio-sourced resist with fluorine etching plasmas during photopatterning process" - a subject where the environmental consideration in micro-nanotechnology has been particularly appreciated by the jury.
And now, let say goodbye, and see you in 2024 in the next edition of the JNTE !
The symposium will focus on emerging technologies for micro-nanofabrication, from fundamentals to complex integration techniques. It represents a unique opportunity :
to gather the scientific community involved in micro-nanotechnology, process engineering, physics and modeling of fabrication processes,
to enhance the diffusion of new results and ideas among the main actors, bringing new fabrication concepts to other disciplines,
to create a continuity of expertise from fundamental studies on materials, new processing techniques, or modeling, to applied research on process engineering (integration of technologies, development of new micro-nanodevices, etc.),
to reinforce the interactions between the main actors of micro-nanotechnology integration (national, or proximity technology platforms, etc.), and between these actors and the scientific community involved in the development of specific processing techniques or characterization tools at a more fundamental stage.
JNTE CONFERENCE (30/11 to 02/12)
The topics that will be discussed at the conference are :
Synthesis, integration and assembly of new materials
Surface functionalization and processing
Etching, lithography and nano-patterning
Integration and applications of micronanotechnologies
Special attention will be given to eco-efficient materials, techniques and processes (green technology concept) to show that our community can implement new strategies for development related to current societal issues.
Plenary and invited Talks
We have invited Prof. Martin Wegener from KIT to deliver a plenary talk of 45 minutes and more than 10 other renowned scholars to deliver talk of 30 minutes on some special topics of recent interest.
Previous editions
JNTE 2022 is the seventh edition of the JNTE symposium, after JNTE'19 organized in Grenoble, JNTE'17 in Orléans, JNTE'15 organized at Ecole Centrale de Lyon, JNTE’13 in Evian, JNTE’10 at Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau and JNTE’08 at LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse.
Micro-nanotechnology School (November, 28-29) - SORRY, NO MORE PLACE AVAILABLE !
Before the JNTE conference, the Micro-nanotechnology School (2 days, courses and practical works in cleanroom, given by engineers and scientists experts in the field) for technicians, engineers, PhD students, researchers, etc. will be organized to share our knowledge in chemistry, materials science, microfabrication, physics in order to support multidisciplinary approaches in device development and to present and to practice different methods of microfabrication and heterogeneous integration.
9 hours of lectures(principlesofdifferentmethodsofintegrationandmicro-andnanostructuring,reflectionsandexchangesbetweenparticipantsandlecturers):
Introduction to the clean room environment
Lithography I (UV lithography, direct writing, masks)
Lithography II (two photon lithography)
Microstructuring of glass (wet and dry etching, direct and assited femtosecond laser processing, micromolding)
Polishing and surface quality
Wafer bonding (activation of surface, molecular bonding, anodic bonding and thermocompression)
Growthofthinfilms (adhesion, crystallisation, control of orientation and grain size, stresses)
Characterization of DC electrical (transport, resistivity, instrumentation, ohmic contacts) and optical properties
(Optional) Ellipsometry (advanced level)
8hoursdemonstrations-workshopsinsub-groups willtakeplacein a cleanroom,MIMENTOtechnologycenter(Renatech network)ofFEMTO-ST:participantswillhavethechoiceoffourdemonstrations(2hours/workshop)amongthesixproposed(3peoplemaximumperworkshopfortheeffectivenessofthetraining andtheexchanges):
Lithography/direct writing
Thin film growthby PVD and CVD and stresses
Imaging - Ellipsometry
With the support of our partners :
Important dates
Abstract submission
From August 22nd to October 23rd, October 30rd, 2022